I have worked in the healthcare industry for over 30 years in various capacities. I have buiIt relationships and caring for people has always been a great passion for me. Knowing that I had an impact on a patient’s recovery from accidents and for illnesses has been extremely rewarding. My other heartfelt compassion in life is working with animals. Healthcare has changed drastically in the past 8 years. With my personal concern about the direction that this industry has taken, I have decided to change my professional career focus to the Pet Care industry.
Besides being a lifetime pet owner, I have cared for many friends and family’s furry companions throughout the years. I have built relationships with veterinarian’s citywide. In addition
I have experience fostering pets and volunteering approximately 60-75 hours per month for the Nebraska Humane Society. My position as one of the lead volunteers for offsite adoptions at the Oakview PetSmart location for the NHS, has helped countless animals find a forever home. In this position, I ensure that the animal’s living conditions are kept clean and that the animals are socialized and loved while awaiting their forever homes. Part of the adoption process is providing education to adopters in the care of their new furry companion which is one of my great strengths.
From a marketing standpoint, I believe that one of the reasons the Oakview Petsmart location is a top offsite adoption success for the NHS is due in part to the photographs that I captured of the cats and uploaded to the NHS website.
The Purina marketing team requested to use my photos for national distribution. Purina’s purpose for using my photos was to help other shelters nationwide see examples of how to capture “good” photos of animals to increase adoptions of the animals on their social media websites. In June of 2012, I was a Recipient of the Nebraska Humane Society’s “Above and Beyond” award.